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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aphasia Rehabilitation: 60 Innovative and Effective Tools, Protocols and Tips

Aphasia Rehabilitation: 60 Innovative
and Effective Tools, Protocols and Tips
Presentation on
Bill Connors will present a workshop titled Aphasia Rehabilitation: 60 Innovative
and Effective Tools, Protocols and Tips  on on Monday, August 30, 2010 from noon -- 1 pm est . 

Course Objectives 
               Learners will be able to identify 20 techniques to simplify, adapt and maximize computers, software and information technology for aphasia, alexia, agraphia and cognitive therapy.
               Learners will be able to identify 25 treatment protocols and techniques in aphasia treatment that facilitate: interpersonal engagement, independent sentence and narrative speech; encourage a large amount of independent and peer practice; incorporate multiple modalities.
               Learners will be able to identify 5 techniques and tools for using telerehabilition for aphasia and group treatment.
               Learners will be able to identify 4 observation and analysis techniques of aphasic client behavior to use in applying evidence-based treatment to maximize rehabilitation activities and effectively train caregivers/coaches participation in the treatment process.
               Learners will be able to identify 6 key cognitive/mental processes that underpin and support language and its rehabilitation and incorporate these into treatment protocol development and application.

This course offers CEU credits for speech/language pathologists.

Please visit for details.

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Friday, August 13, 2010

The Aphasia Communication Cafe 8-13-10

News Update on the Aphasia Communication Cafe
The Online Aphasia Communication Cafe is a Success !!

In the past, having aphasia caused social isolation - but not anymore!  People with aphasia are now chatting with other people with aphasia about everyday life: kids, grandkids, movies, even politics.  They are meeting new people and making new friends from all over the US, Canada and the world.  They have joined the social network on the  Online Aphasia Communication Café .

They are using the simplicity of videoconferencing ( ) to accomplish this from the comfort of their own homes.  Please feel free to contact Bill Connors should you have any questions or comments -- or 724-494-2534.

The following is the consumer information about the cafés available on our online calendar use the agenda view and click on the group title on the calendar:

Here is a summary of currently available cafés;

Monday 7 pm  est -- 8 pm est   Host Janet Ross, Alberta Canada

Tuesday 11 am est - noon est  Host Paul Berger, Falls Church VA ( )

Wednesday  3 pm -- 4 pm est   Host Adam Miller , Bronx NY

Thursday 9 am est - 10 am est Host  Mary Smith, Eugene OR

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This email was sent by Aphasia Center of Innovative Treatment, 10592 Perry Highway, PMB 222, Wexford, PA 15090, using Express Email Marketing. You subscribed to this permission-based list on 8/8/2010.
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