We have seen certain products and services, provided by our affiliates, help our clients and coaches in several ways.
· First of all, they can provide extra practice and we all know that smart practice is a critical element in aphasia and apraxia recovery.
· Secondly, they can support our aphasia rehabilitation efforts by expanding our knowledge of the fundamentals and essentials of speech, language, communication and thinking.
· Thirdly they can give us a fresh or different perspective to our goals and activities.
· Finally, they can make our lives easier.
The first product that we will share with you is the English Grammar Revolution. Developed by Elizabeth O'Brien, the materials on this website provide the opportunity for us to learn, or with many of us to review English grammar. She does this in a fun, interesting way using diagramming, good old fashioned diagramming sentences. It reminds me of the song, "What is old is new again."
I agree with Elizabeth when she states on her website, "With a little effort on your part and the information in this site, you can revolutionize your grammar knowledge." I am impressed with how her approach and materials minimize frustration and facilitate a better understanding of English grammar. The website also contains much other useful information, quizzes, materials and a free newsletter.
We want our clients with aphasia and their coaches to be well grounded in the basics of grammar especially the eight word groups or parts of speech and the basic sentence, phrase and clause types that this program emphasizes. This is part of our 'metaphasia' treatment tool. The term metaphasia refers to a person's knowledge of language and the cognitive processes used to communicate using language. Metaphasia provides powerful tools for the client to use as he/she reconnects their speech and language skills during aphasia recovery.
In order to access this website to review or purchase materials click on this link - http://www.aphasiatoolbox.com/?q=affiliated - or visit our website www.aphasiatoolbox.com and click on the Affiliated Programs phrase at the bottom left of our homepage. If you have any questions or comments about how these products and programs support.
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