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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Update on Online Group Programs 2/26/11

An Update From the World Leader in Online Aphasia Treatment, Practice and Support Groups

To register for participation in a group,

visit and register for the free subscription and then contact us at or 724.494.2534 .  Seating is limited to 6 participants.  Costs per session vary from no charge to $25.00 .

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As discussed in our previous newsletters, we are committed to providing people with aphasia and related communicating disorders opportunities to work in small groups.  We have detailed the benefits of group work in previous newsletters  ; ; or click on 'Resources" on our homepage and on the drop down menu then click on Archived Newsletters using the search feature to find groups.   Working on engagement, turn taking, peer support, alternating attention; observation and interpersonal skills constitute a critical part of aphasia recovery efforts.   In this newsletter, we will provide you with an update on our current groups.

Featured Café:

2/28/11  Mr. Roger Gulbranson of OH-USA will host his second Aphasia Communication Café on the topic of Belgium Beer Making at 7 pm est .  [ meets once a month ]

Featured Support Group:

3/1/11 Barbara Lambert of NH -- USA will coordinate the Caregiver's Support Group at 8 pm est. [ meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays ]

Visit to review the various Aphasia Communication Cafes which are hosted by people with aphasia.

Additional groups:

2/28/11 Bill Connors of PA-USA will facilitate the Woman's Conversation group at 3:30 pm est [ meets weekly ].

3/1/11 Bill Connors of PA-USA will facilitate the Men's Aphasia Bootcamp 8:00 am est [ meets weekly ].

3/1/11 Janet Ross of Alberta -- Canada will be toastmaster for the Public Speaking for People with Aphasia group [ meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays ]

3/2/11 Bill Connors of PA-USA will facilitate the Scatpraxia Treatment Group ( focuses on improving control over vocal folds and voice- Phonatory Apraxia ) at 1:00 pm est [ meets weekly ].

3/3/11  Bill Connors of PA-USA will facilitate the Apraxia Treatment Group at 1: pm est [ meets weekly ].

3/4/11 Pushpa Ramachandran of Pune- India will facilitate the Canonicalize Sentence Group (speaking in sentences and discourse building ) for people with aphasia at 11:30 am est.  [ meets weekly ]

3/4/11 Amanda Mehdiyoun of MA-USA will facilitate an SLP Roundtable on Apple Apps for SLPs  at  2 pm est .  [ meets weekly at varied times ]

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Update on Online Group Programs 2/26/11SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apple Apps for SLPs Program at 2-22-11

New Apps Informational Program

To join us in our Apple Apps for SLP project:

1.    Register for the free subscription on the homepage by clicking on the blue Registration button.

2.    View the forum/blog by clicking on the blue Forum button and selecting the Apples Apps for SLP forum.  We have just begun this forum so please feel free add your comments and ideas.

3.    Visit under the Specialty Services button on the top menu bar the Apples Apps for SLP information page.  This is under construction but will be active this week. 

4.    To participate in the SLP Roundtables on apps, contact us at and download the free videoconferencing service at and add us as friends.  Our oovoo search names are aphasia and aphasia3 .

5.    Any questions?  Contact us at . 

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Announcing the Apple Apps for SLPs Program at

An app is computer software that helps people perform certain tasks on a computer or other devices.  Apps contrast with application software that manages and integrates the computer itself.   The app directly helps the user to perform specific task or activities. Web applications — or web apps — combine the power of the Internet with the simplicity of Multi-Touch technology.


Apple apps are web applications that,  "..combine the power of the internet with the simplicity of Multi-Touch technology. " 1   These apps can be downloaded directly to an iPhone, iPod or iPad or directly to a computer using iTunes.  The apps may be free or available at a charge. The use of apps ranges from simple organization, to basic drill and practice, to full AAC.   The use of apple apps is growing at a phenomenal rate. 


The staff at are assisting Amanda Mehdiyoun, a graduate student in Communication Disorders at the University of  Massachusetts Amherst in her project to review and discuss various apps that may be beneficial for speech/language therapy and for people with communication disorders.  As part of this program we will sponsor the following:


· will be sponsoring a series of SLP Roundtables to discuss the use of apps for Apple devices online using videoconferencing.    We will conduct 60-minute online discussion groups on three successive Fridays: 2/25/11 at 1 pm est;  3/4/11 at 2 pm est; and  3/11/11 noon est . 

· will provide a forum/blog on the apps topic that will allow a discussion and idea exchange for SLPs working with both pediatric and adult clients.

· welcomes you to share your ideas on the apps topic with the SLP world by sending reviews, experiences or opinions about apps or apps for us to review to .

There is no charge for participation. See the procedures for participating in the column to the left.




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Posted via email from Aphasia Toolbox's posterous

Apple Apps for SLPs Program at 2-22-11SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend