Announcement of courses | ||
Bill Connors will be presenting full day workshops titled: Aphasia and Apraxia: Clinical Decision-Making and Innovative Techniques. The next two workshops will be October 28, 2011 in New Brunswick, Canada and November 4, 2011 in Virginia Beach, VA USA. Contact: or phone-724.494.2534 for information This workshop will cover the innovative treatment tools, technology and activities of the Brain Compatible Aphasia Treatment Program (BCAT) and the Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program (MRAP). These programs, using evidence-based elements, have been developed to take optimal advantage of neural plasticity to maximize recovery from aphasia and related disorders. Course activities will include a primary focus on active learner participation with real-time distance therapy (telerehab), demonstration videos, and hands on use of tools and software, as well as lecture and discussion. FORMAL COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNER OUTCOMES 1. identify 10 techniques to simplify, adapt and maximize computers and information technology for aphasia, alexia, agraphia and cognitive therapy with a focus on apps and the internet. 2. identify 5 key cognitive/mental processes that underpin and support language and its rehabilitation and incorporate these into treatment protocol development and application. 3. identify 5 techniques for applying adult evidence-based rehabilitation techniques in working with adolescents and young adults with communication problems. 4. identify 4 observation and analysis techniques of aphasic client behavior to use in applying evidence-based treatment to maximize rehabilitation activities and effectively train caregivers/coaches participation in the treatment process. | ||
copyright 2011 Aphasia Center of Innovation Treatmen |
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Announcement of courses
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program 5/24/2011
Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program – Treatment Activities 5/24/2011 | |
We now offer both online and on-site CEU Apraxia Treatment programs for SLPs. If you are interested in participating in or sponsoring a Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program CEU program, contact Bill Connors at 724.494.2534 or bill@aphasiatoolboxcom. While this newsletter is primarily intended for speech pathologists, it should also useful be for people with apraxia and their caregivers/coaches. If you missed the previous newsletter, you may review it by visiting our website at and clicking on Resources then Archived Newsletters. SLP: If you would like to refer a client for online treatment or to consult with us in collaborative therapy, contact Bill Connors at or 724.494.2534 . PERSON WITH APHASIA or CAREGIVER: if you would like to set up an online consultation or for more information contact Bill Connors at or 724.494.2534 . | This is the third and final in a series of newsletters discussing a new, innovative approach to the treatment of acquired apraxia of speech (motor programming problems). Speech/language pathologists (SLP), people with apraxia, and caregivers/practice coaches routinely share with us at their disappointment with progress in apraxia treatment programs. In response to this need, we have created the Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program. Over 30 years in development, this program calls upon 21 key therapy and practice principles ( ). Finally there is a program that truly approaches apraxia as a movement disorder with a focus on motor skills ( Mass, 2008). In our last newsletter, we discussed in more detail principles and techniques of this Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program. At a recent professional workshop, Nancy Helm-Estabrooks offered, “The fact is that we are beyond using just linguistic therapy with people with aphasia.” (Helm-Estabrooks, 2011). Likewise, we are beyond just doing speech therapy with over-reliance on motor learning theory when treating people with acquired apraxia. In our first newsletter on this topic, we compared and contrasted the motor learning principles used routinely in treating childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) with our proposed motor reconnect principles for treating people who have already learned how to talk but have an acquired impairment. The difference between treating CAS in children and acquired apraxia in adults is remarkable and all too often overlooked by treatment programs. Motor Reconnect Apraxia Program – The Program Review of some key principles:
The specific elements of the Motor Reconnect Program for Apraxia – (targeted mental processes and skills):
Heilman, Kenneth, and Gonzalez Rothi, Leslie, Apraxia – The Dana Guide, Helm-Estabrooks, Nancy, Cognition and Aphasia: Clinical Implications, Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, 4/7/2011, Pittsburgh, PA Maas, E., Robin, D. A., Austermann Hula, S. N., Freedman, S. E., Wulf, G., Ballard, K. J., & Schmidt, R. A. (2008). Principles of motor learning in treatment of motor speech disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17, 277-298. Movement, Balance, and Coordination – the Dana Guide, Georgopoulos, Aposotlos, , November 2007 |
copyright 2011 Aphasia Center of Innovation Treatment |
Sunday, April 17, 2011
New Campaign Apr 17, 2011 at 8:50 AM
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Monday, April 4, 2011
New Campaign Apr 4, 2011 at 3:56 PM
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This email was sent by Aphasia Center of Innovative Treatment, 800 Vinial Street, B408 , Pittsburgh, PA 15212, using Express Email Marketing. You subscribed to this permission-based list on 2/24/2011. |
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